Quizmasters Chat Instructions & Rules

The Quiz never stops its active 24/7 users get one point for every correct answer they give and each question lasts for 1 minute

3 hints are given per question. and at the end of the month all the scores are reset and the scores are published In the Hall Of Fame
then a new quiz begins, although players scores are reset, we preserve your records such as highest number of streaks response time etc
Quizzers in the chatroom also have ranks assigned to them representing how many correct answers they have and are listed as follows

Quiz_Newbie, Quiz_Regular, Quiz_Heavyweight, Quiz_Master, Quiz_Guru!!!

Quizmasters Chat Commands

The Following Commands Are Available To Enter While In Quiz Chat
Some Commands May Only Function If You Have Op Status

Patron commands:
Command ----------- Function
!help ------------- Provides help on the commands to the patron.

!strivia ---------- Stops trivia
!trivia ------------ Starts trivia.
!trivia x --------- x must be a number.
!trivia Unlimited - For an unlimited question round.
!trivia Team ------ For team mode.
!trivia Team # ---- For a specified sized team game.
!hint ------------- Gives a hint
!vowels ----------- Gives the vowels of the answer.
!last ------------- Gives the last letter of the answer.
!words ------------ Gives the number of words in the answer.
!join x ----------- Joins a team, must be in team mode, x can be a 1 or 2 or (3 or 4) in 4 team mode.
!add -------------- Allows patrons to add questions
!report ----------- Lets you report problems with the questions
!triviaping ------- Checks the lag from the bot
!version ---------- Displays the version of this bot
!hof <unit> <time>- Displays the hall of fame, for <score|streak|time|wpm> of time <day|week|month|year>
!hoffast ---------- Displays speed hall of fame
!hofstreak -------- Displays streak hall of fame
!hofwpm ----------- Displays words per minute all of fame
!hofscoreday ------ Displays top scores for the day.
!hoftimeday ------- Displays top times for the day.
!hofstreakday ----- Displays top streak for the day.
!hofwpmday -------- Displays top words per minute for the day.
!hofscoreweek ----- Displays top scores for the week.
!hoftimeweek ------ Displays top times for the week.
!hofstreakweek ---- Displays top streak for the week.
!hofwpmweek ------- Displays top words per minute for the week.
!hofscoremonth ---- Displays top scores for the month.
!hoftimemonth ----- Displays top times for the month.
!hofstreakmonth --- Displays top streak for the month.
!hofwpmmonth ------ Displays top words per minute for the month.
!hofscoreyear ----- Displays top scores for the year.
!hoftimeyear ------ Displays top times for the year.
!hofstreakyear ---- Displays top streak for the year.
!hofwpmyear ------- Displays top words per minute for the year.
!promotion -------- Displays next military promotion and points needed for it
!server ----------- Displays the bot's server
!record(s)--------- Displays the record time and streak
!champ ------------ Displays the champ
!pause ------------ Pauses the current round.
!resume ----------- Resumes the current round.
!repeat ----------- Repeats the question
!next ------------- After half the time has expired allows a person to timeout the question early.
!themes ----------- Displays available themes
!stat(s) ---------- Returns the patron's current rank, score, best time, best streak.
!stat(s) <name> --- Allows !stats for other players.
!stat(s) # -------- Allows the bot to call the stat of a specified rank.

Operation Commands: (Can obviously Only Be Used By Ops)
!op find <text> - Finds text.
!op add <question*answer> - Adds a question and directly to the main question file.
!op ban <user> - Bans a user.
!op unban <user> - Unbans a user.
!op ask <#> - Asks given question.
!op banned -- Lists banned individuals
!op enable ---- Enables the bot.
!op disable --- Disables the bot.