Patron commands:
Command ----------- Function
!help ------------- Provides help on the commands to the patron.
!strivia ---------- Stops trivia
!trivia ------------ Starts trivia.
!trivia x --------- x must be a number.
!trivia Unlimited - For an unlimited question round.
!trivia Team ------ For team mode.
!trivia Team # ---- For a specified sized team game.
!hint ------------- Gives a hint
!vowels ----------- Gives the vowels of the answer.
!last ------------- Gives the last letter of the answer.
!words ------------ Gives the number of words in the answer.
!join x ----------- Joins a team, must be in team mode, x can be a 1 or 2 or (3 or 4) in 4 team mode.
!add -------------- Allows patrons to add questions
!report ----------- Lets you report problems with the questions
!triviaping ------- Checks the lag from the bot
!version ---------- Displays the version of this bot
!hof <unit> <time>- Displays the hall of fame, for <score|streak|time|wpm> of time <day|week|month|year>
!hoffast ---------- Displays speed hall of fame
!hofstreak -------- Displays streak hall of fame
!hofwpm ----------- Displays words per minute all of fame
!hofscoreday ------ Displays top scores for the day.
!hoftimeday ------- Displays top times for the day.
!hofstreakday ----- Displays top streak for the day.
!hofwpmday -------- Displays top words per minute for the day.
!hofscoreweek ----- Displays top scores for the week.
!hoftimeweek ------ Displays top times for the week.
!hofstreakweek ---- Displays top streak for the week.
!hofwpmweek ------- Displays top words per minute for the week.
!hofscoremonth ---- Displays top scores for the month.
!hoftimemonth ----- Displays top times for the month.
!hofstreakmonth --- Displays top streak for the month.
!hofwpmmonth ------ Displays top words per minute for the month.
!hofscoreyear ----- Displays top scores for the year.
!hoftimeyear ------ Displays top times for the year.
!hofstreakyear ---- Displays top streak for the year.
!hofwpmyear ------- Displays top words per minute for the year.
!promotion -------- Displays next military promotion and points needed for it
!server ----------- Displays the bot's server
!record(s)--------- Displays the record time and streak
!champ ------------ Displays the champ
!pause ------------ Pauses the current round.
!resume ----------- Resumes the current round.
!repeat ----------- Repeats the question
!next ------------- After half the time has expired allows a person to timeout the question early.
!themes ----------- Displays available themes
!stat(s) ---------- Returns the patron's current rank, score, best time, best streak.
!stat(s) <name> --- Allows !stats for other players.
!stat(s) # -------- Allows the bot to call the stat of a specified rank.